





  1、"马里兰州贝塞斯达国家儿童健康和人类发展研究所的Edwina Yeung博士说:"哮喘和过敏性疾病是儿童中最常见的慢性疾病之一,也是这项研究的主要作者。"确定机制的一个重要研究方向将是澄清和证明生育药物或程序本身对潜在的低生育率的影响"。



  "在我们更好地了解基本机制之前,对临床实践的影响是有限的,"该研究的主要作者Kristen Polinski博士告诉Healio。





  Asthma and allergic diseases are some of the most common chronic conditions affecting children," Dr. Edwina Yeung of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland, and senior author of the study, told the Daily Mail." An important line of research to determine the mechanism will be to clarify and unravel the effects of fertility drugs or procedures themselves on potential infertility.

  Dr. Yeung and her fellow researchers studied 5,034 mothers and their 6,171 children born between 2008 and 2010 in 57 New York counties. In the middle of their childhood, 2,056 children took a follow-up questionnaire to see if asthma or any allergies persisted.

  The study suggests a potential link between fertility treatments and children conceived using fertility treatments with a common biological outcome. Although the mechanism is unknown, the researchers speculate that this may lead to the conceived fetus experiencing hormone levels outside the normal physiological range. However, the researchers also speculate that mothers who have undergone fertility treatments may be more likely to receive a diagnosis from a physician on behalf of their child. This may be due to their higher socioeconomic background or because they are more likely to seek medical care because they have undergone fertility treatments.

  Until we have a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms, the implications for clinical practice are limited," Dr. Kristen Polinski, the study's first author, told Healio.

  The authors suggest that more research is needed, which is necessary to conclude that fertility treatments or parental infertility may lead to a higher risk of asthma and allergies in their children.